Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dan ate the Halloween candy

I mean, we separated out the ones we really wanted (Reese Cups, Reeses Pieces, and Kit Kat Bars) and didn't even offer those to the kids who came to the door (gave out Whoppers, Milk Duds, Snickers, etc.) but we didn't get too many trick or treaters so there was a bunch of candy left over. I came home from work the day after Halloween and there are like 4 boxes of Milk Duds and a pack of Whoppers left. Whatever, I'm eating my Reese Cups really slow so that they're still here long after he finishes his ;)

Joey just found some Sweet Tarts, score!

1 comment:

  1. Finally the comment box comes up on the laptop! This is why I hide candy I like ;)
